Search Results for: shop you should know

5 ways to meet new people.

Making new friends as an adult can be really hard. It's quite the change from being in school where meeting your best friend could be as simple as having the same class together and coincidentally sitting next to each other on the first day. Outside of the office the "real world" doesn't really create the best friend making environment - we're often heads down focused on what we need to do next or even worse, buried in our phones, to even notice who is around us. But I promise, there's still hope. When I first moved…

how to create blog image collages in keynote.

I've been asked a few times about how I create image collages for the blog (like in yesterday's February Cravings post) and for awhile, I was a bit embarrassed to fill you guys in on it. I will never pretend to be a design expert or that I actually know what I'm doing when it comes to fancy programs like Photoshop or InDesign (so uh, if you're a designer, please just cover your eyes for this one), but you know what, I've kind of made it work. And it's awesome if you guys can make…

5 tips for new runners.

Yesterday I made my return to running after taking most of last year off from lacing up my sneakers and hitting the pavement. After two years of marathon training and being locked into a mandatory running schedule, I was ready for a little break and instead became totally obsessed with Flywheel as my cardio ass-kicking of choice. But now, with a new city to explore and a lack of Flywheel... I'm making a comeback. I had big plans for yesterday's run - I mapped out a route along the Embarcadero, I wore a Chicago Marathon…

farmers’ market season.

Farmers' market season has got to be one of my favorite things about the spring and summer - there's nothing better than spending a weekend morning picking up fresh produce and flowers for the week ahead. The combination of fresh air and charming vendors makes the entire experience fun, which is pretty much the opposite of how I'd describe weekend grocery shopping (ick). Growing up in a very rural area, we didn't have farmers' markets, but instead, there were farm stands scattered throughout town. They were usually set up right in front of the farm…

around chicago // old town.

We're continuing to show off Chicago through a local's point of view (in case you missed it, Emily covered her Lincoln Park favorites last month). This month we're heading a bit south to Old Town with neighborhood favorites from a good friend of mine, Sam from Clark & Schiller. Her go-to spots around Old Town: I distinctly remember confidently telling my mom “I’m going to live here,” as we drove down Wells St. for the first time four years ago. Sadly, I was fresh out of college and could not afford the rent, but I…