Search Results for: shop you should know

DIY // gallery wall.

// photo by Jennifer Kathryn Photography I'm a sucker for a good gallery wall. It may be the sap in me, knowing most of my art pieces remind me of a person, place or memory. Or maybe it's just because I'm in that indecisive, figuring myself out stage of my twenties still and large scale art is a big commitment that I'm not quite ready for. Either way, over the past few years my art collection has grown and so have the size of the gallery walls I pull together in each apartment. It's my…

101 in 1001 // progress check.

Where has the time gone?! Now that I'm officially three months in to my 101 in 1001 list, I wanted to share a progress check and highlight some of the items I've checked off my list. Things Complete: Finish list of 101 things (12.12) Inspire someone to write their own list (12.12 // Sara) Have apartment photos shot (01.13 // Stoffer Photography) Do something with Instagram photos (02.13 // prints via Postal Pix) Get a massage (02.13) Take a photobooth photo (02.13 // #NellcoteCBN Oscars Party) Have apartment featured on a big time blog or in a magazine (02.13 // The Everygirl) Go one month without buying coffee…

101 in 1001.

With a new year comes new goals.  Instead of creating a traditional list of resolutions for 2013, I decided to try something a little bit different - a list of 101 things to accomplish over the next 1,001 days.  It's a combination of looking ahead while also placing an emphasis on enjoying the every day just a little bit more. So here we go.  I'll be blogging along the way to hold myself responsible and sharing my experiences as the next 1,001 days go by. End date: September 28, 2015 Finish list of 101 things (12.12)…